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De-clutter and raise cash to help cats.

Join thousands of people across the UK this summer in having a Clear Out for Cats!

Look in your loft or have a rummage in your spare room for any unwanted items and sell them to help raise money for cats and kittens in need.

It could be clothes, books, toys, accessories or homewares – it’s time to turn your clutter into cash!

Whether you sell online, set up a jumble sale, or even a car boot, all you need to do is pay in the funds you raise and see the totaliser rise!

After you’ve finished selling, you can complete your de-clutter by donating anything unsold to your local Cats Protection charity shop.

Register now to get resources, hints and tips about how to take part and kick start your clear out!


raised of a £0 target by more than 26 supporters

£220 in donations to charity shops

£84 in online contributions


raised of a £0 target by more than 26 supporters

£220 in donations to charity shops

£84 in online contributions

Pay in money I’ve raised from my clear out
Add the donations I’ve made to a charity shop
0 +
Number of bags

Why should I have a Clear Out for Cats?

By taking part, you’ll be joining a movement of people who are making a pawsitive change – for themselves, our planet and the cats that need our help.

Whether you decide to sell your unwanted items, donate them to one of our shops, or even a bit of both, you’ll be doing your bit to support sustainability.

Together, we believe it’s possible to turn thousands of your unwanted items into thousands of pounds to enable us to carry on caring for unwanted cats and kittens.

For every £48 added to the Clear Out for Cats totaliser, we could treat a cat for conjunctivitis to prevent more serious disease, or each £81 could de-matt a stray cat found living on the streets.

And for every £2,750 milestone you help us to hit, we could buy a cat pen to keep a neglected moggy sheltered and safe until they find the loving home they deserve.

You can choose any local Cats Protection branch or centre to receive 100% of the money you raise from your clear out, meaning you’ll help cats in your area.

Plus, every bag of goods you donate to one of our shops is worth £10 (on average), which could feed a cat in our care for almost two months!

Get involved

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please visit our FAQs page or contact our Events team at or call 01825 741 960.

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