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5th August 2019

West Midlands cat owners on low incomes can have their pets neutered and microchipped for just £5 thanks to a new joint Cats Protection and RSPCA campaign.

Tabby cat being scanned for a microchipThe scheme is also open to cat owners in Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Herefordshire and Shropshire.

Anyone living in these areas who receives means-tested benefits, has a low household income, is a full-time student living away from home, or receives a state-only pension or pension credit could be eligible for the scheme.

Jane Clements, Head of Neutering at Cats Protection, said: “This joint Cats Protection and RSPCA scheme is the perfect opportunity for cat owners on low incomes across the West Midlands and in Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Herefordshire and Shropshire to have their cats neutered and microchipped for the bargain price of £5.

“Just visit the campaign web page to find out which vets are taking part and check you’re likely to be eligible. You can then contact the vet direct, mentioning the scheme, to make arrangements for your cat to be neutered and chipped.”

The campaign web page can be found at:

Neutering offers many benefits to both cats and owners alike and a neutered cat is less likely to spray, roam and fight. Neutering is the most effective way loving cat owners can protect their cats.

One unneutered female cat could potentially produce up to 18 kittens a year. Getting a female cat neutered will also prevent her from getting cancers of the ovaries and womb.

Cats Protection and the RSPCA recommend microchipping as a permanent method of identification, helping to reunite cats with their owners if they become lost or stray.

Coralie Farren from the RSPCA said: “Thousands of cats go missing every year and many never return to their owners – a microchip helps ensure cats can be identified should they go missing and that lost cats are not mistaken as strays and taken in by rehoming charities.”

Microchips contain a unique identification number and are inserted under the cat’s skin between their shoulder blades.

The number is linked to a database containing the owner’s contact details. When a scanner detects the microchip all it takes is a phone call to reunite cat and owner.

Cats Protection is calling for a change in the law to ensure that all owned cats, like dogs, are microchipped.


For further information or an interview, please contact Cats Protection’s Media Office on 01825 741 911, at, or @CPMediaTeam on Twitter.

Notes to editors

  1. Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity and helps around 200,000 cats each year through a national network of around 250 volunteer-run branches and 36 centres.
  2. Cats Protection’s vision is a world where every cat is treated with kindness and an understanding of its needs.
  3. Cats Protection’s registered charity number is 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland). Founded as the
  4. Cats Protection League in 1927, the charity adopted the name Cats Protection in 1998. We ask that you use the name Cats Protection when referring to the charity in all published material.
  5. More information about Cats Protection’s work can be found at
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