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Use the map below to find a vet near you who is part of our neutering scheme.

You are able to get your cat neutered and microchipped at one of our participating vets for £10 if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • you are in receipt of any of the following means-tested benefits: universal credit, income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, pension credit, income-based ESA, income-based JSA, working tax credits and child tax credits
  • you have a household annual income of less than £25,000 before tax
  • you are a full-time student living away from home

Please contact a participating vet directly to book an appointment and it is important that you let them know you can use the Cats Protection £10 neutering scheme.

Enter your postcode or town to search:

We also have some small branch lead campaigns in certain districts running until the end of 2023.

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