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More Than Just a Cat: What our cats mean to us.

As any cat lover will know, our beloved moggies are so much more than just pets.

From being a best friend and member of the family, to helping combat loneliness and provide comfort during difficult times, our cats truly enrich our lives and bring us so much joy.

tabby and white cat being stroked by a woman

To showcase just why cat companionship is so special, Cats Protection has launched the More Than Just a Cat campaign, encouraging cat lovers across the country to share what their cat means to them.

Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for lots of heart-warming stories about cats and their owners and join the conversation with #MoreThanJustACat

As well as having a positive impact on our emotional wellbeing, cats also make a few subtle changes to our daily routines. Here are some of the important roles they play in our everyday lives.


My cat is more than just a cat, they’re my…

Yoga teacher 

woman and cat doing yoga pose outside

When it comes to stretching out and manoeuvring into all sorts of awkward positions, cats really are the experts. While we may not be able to match their superior flexibility, they can certainly teach us a yoga pose or two. Just don’t mention the downward dog!


Personal assistant 

tabby cat sitting in front of man on his computer

Whether you’re working from home or just getting some life admin done, your cat can be a great keyboard companion. A recent survey* revealed that nearly two-thirds of cat owners who regularly work from home felt their cat helped them in some way, whether that was by calming them down, making them feel less lonely, or keeping them amused with their quirky antics.

Alarm clock 

brown longhaired cat lying in bed with woman in background

With a cat in the house, chances are you won’t need to worry about setting an alarm. Whether they want food or a fuss, moggies like to help you get an early start to your day as they’re naturally most active first thing in the morning. It’s just a shame they don’t have a snooze button.

Secret keeper

woman sitting outside and stroking black cat

If you’ve got a secret you’re desperate to get off your chest, your cat is purrfect for confiding in, as you can be sure they won’t judge you or pass the message on. In a recent survey*, around half of cat owners admitted to sharing a secret with their cat, with those secrets including raiding the fridge for snacks and coming clean about a crush!

Sofa buddy 

man drinking tea on sofa next to tabby cat

Whether you’re bingeing a boxset, having a gaming marathon or curling up with a good book, your cat will be happy to keep you company and maybe even keep your lap warm too. Even better, they won’t complain about your choice of entertainment, although they may demand a chin rub every now and then.

To find out what role your cat plays in your life, take our fun quiz

You can also find out more about the More Than Just a Cat campaign at

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*The survey of 2,000 cat owners was conducted for Cats Protection by 3 Gem Research and Insights during August 2019

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