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The very best of pals – cat Domino and autistic girl Marnie.

Five-year-old Marnie Quince from King’s Lynn in Norfolk finds making friends difficult.

Having been diagnosed with autism, she often struggles to communicate and interact with other people, but her life has been transformed by her new best friend Domino.

black and white cat with little girl

The black-and-white cat was adopted by the Quince family from Cats Protection’s Downham Market Adoption Centre in April 2019, and has already had a big impact on her new owners.

Marnie’s mum, Nissa said: “Since coming home with us Domino has slotted straight into our family. She’s cheeky and loves a game, but the biggest thing for me is how much having Domino has helped my little girl. Marnie and Domino are best friends and always together. This in turn has helped Marnie with communication.

young blonde girl reading book to black and white cat inside tent

“Marnie can be often be found talking to Domino, telling her she loves her, reading her stories and asking her to play outside or come upstairs with her. It’s amazing to see them together.

“Being only one year old, Domino is very playful but seems to understand Marnie and has never once scratched or bitten her when they are playing together. She even comes to find Marnie when she is upset and helps her to get up in the mornings for school.”

young blonde girl petting black and white cat on the head

Domino has also been a big help with Marnie’s bedtime routine. Nissa adds: “Part of Marnie’s autism means she doesn’t sleep very well and struggles to get to sleep and get up for school in the morning. At night-time Domino comes into Marnie’s bedroom to sleep and this helps Marnie understand that it is bedtime.

“From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank Cats Protection for bringing this gorgeous little cat into our lives, she has helped us all so much and we couldn’t imagine our life without her now.

black and white cat on dressing table

“Domino is more than just a cat, she’s my daughter’s best friend.”

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