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Ginger cat Garfield is the first star of series 2 in our sponsor cats series.

Every day, hundreds of unwanted cats are signed over into Cats Protection’s care for varying reasons. In our latest series, we’ll be meeting some of the cats that have stayed in sponsor pens across some of Cats Protection’s adoption centres. First up is gorgeous ginger cat Garfield.

Garfield is five years old and was a stray cat before being handed over to our Bridgend Adoption Centre. He had surgery on his eyelids but is now feeling healthy and happy. He enjoys feeding enrichment toys and the occasional snuggle! He’s also a particularly active cat, as you can see from the video below.


We’re delighted to announce that Garfield has now found his forever home. His pen is now occupied by Bridgend’s new sponsor cat Daisy, who is the star of our kitten watch blog series. You can read more about her and her adorable newborn kittens here

You can sponsor a cat pen from just 19p a day, providing cats like Garfield and Daisy with shelter, warmth, food, medical care and the love they need. It’s easy to become a sponsor right now. To find out more, click here.

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